
Everything I do as a filmmaker and video artist starts with two questions: What does this work need to do? And then, how can I serve it best? I proceed from there. I apply these questions to my directing, writing, producing, performance, and interviewing.

This process asks me to be principled. For my questions around the purpose of the work to mean anything, I have to be clear about the values that filter into the work; Values of solidarity, liberation, compassion, generosity, and humor.

I believe deeply in collaboration and community. I have fulfilled both leadership and support roles. I have collaborated with large groups and worked in silence, by myself, on the couch. I have worked with other filmmakers, start-ups, commercial companies, and, of course, punks. I have met so many incredible people, getting to know them the way I know best, through the act of creating together. My flexibility extends through repeated stretching.

As a person who houses several different practices, I felt I had to find a way to represent that wholeness properly. This website reveals an archeological cross-section of my work.